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EU GREEN - WP3 Research

MSCA 4Ukraine

The next MSCA4Ukraine call will open in May 2024. Interested host organisations and researchers will be able to access the call documents and apply directly via the MSCA4Ukraine website.

The first step for researchers wishing to apply is to prepare an application together with their potential host organisation, who will then submit the proposal on their behalf.

The call will be open to Ukrainian nationals, stateless persons and nationals from other countries with their main residence in Ukraine on 24 February 2022 who have been displaced as of that date and who are currently based outside the country.

The consortium in charge of MSCA4Ukraine will organise an online kick off event and information session after the opening of the second call.

Selected researchers will start their fellowships by early 2025. They will be able to start a new project or continue their previous work and pursue their research in any subject of their choice, including issues directly linked to helping Ukraine and its recovery. 
