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EU GREEN - WP3 Research

Cluster 5

The main objectives of this research cluster are: 
i) Devise a collaborative, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research framework on education for sustainable development using a system thinking approach, engaged with an ethical and integrated world vision;
ii) Develop research that maps integrated sustainable actions across the EU Green education for a sustainable development community of practice, i.e., students, academics and external stakeholders, identifying gaps and needs;
iii) Research the use of a variety of pedagogical approaches (both at national and international context) to support sustainable behaviours both at the individual and organisational level (from students, academics, non-academics to schools);
iv) Research on hot topics (e.g., innovation, the SDGs, climate action and the circular economy) to inform curriculum design and its implementation, campus operation and management, community engagement, and cultural transformations.

  • Action plan 2024-2025

  • Calendar 2024-2025

  • Leaders and coleaders

  • Members
