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- >2023 Researcher Mobility Program
Researcher Mobility Program_2023
From UA to UNIPR - Cluster 6
Alain Pagano (Biodivag, C6) is visiting Marco Bartoli (Center of Aquatic Ecology) in December
- Discussing the results of our preliminary research (realized by a co-supervised EU GREEN master student: Mariastella Rappoccio).
- Refining the research perspectives for the co-supervised thesis project (UA call for Eu Green thesis)
- Exchanging on the invasive species project involving other EU Green partners (answer to seed grant)
From UPWR to UEX_Cluster 6
Jacek Urbaniak is visiting Victor Rolo for 3 days in April/May
The purpose of the visit will be participation in the Seed Funding Workshop. It will concern project activities under Cluster 6 - Biodiversity, i.e. joint submission of project applications as part of competitions, e.g. under the Biodiversa call. 2024 and Horizon EU. The workshop will be the next meeting, after the meeting of Cluster members in Wrocław planned for February, during which future activities will be planned. Apart from the obvious preparation for submitting applications, the meeting is an opportunity to get to know each
other better and to develop scientific integration as part of joint research in the future. This is necessary to function better in the research collective that is EU Green and to be able to propagate the ideas associated with this project
From UNIPR to ATU _ Cluster 6
Alice Dallavechia (post doc) is visiting Frances Lucy for 11 days 11th – 21st July 2024
The goal is to lay the foundation of a robust international research network. My target topic is biological invasions with special reference to invasive aquatic plants (macrophytes). Project activities will allow the comparison of the functional performance and the environmental conditions of three alien elodeids species in two invaded EU GREEN regions (Sligo and Parma) with different climatic conditions (Northern/Southern Europe). My idea is to explore whether the functional performance of invasive species can be constrained by climatic/environmental thresholds and to define these thresholds, offering valuable stimuli for the subsequent development of project proposals.
From UE to HiG - Cluster 1
Maria Joao Silva & Lara Guedes Pinho are visiting Maria Engström for 1 week in June
For the PhD student: Joint and consortia meetings for preparation my PhD study and interact with PhD students from University of Gavle.
For the co-supervisor: Joint supervision of PhD Student; Co-tutorship
Consortia meetings for preparation of international competitive proposals in the frame of the Mental Health of University Students project (seed funding)
1) to strengthen the sharing of joint supervision of PhD students in the field of nursing from both institutions;
2) to start preparing the proposal to apply for funding from Horizon Europe for the study Mental Health of University Students, which already has the participation of 7 countries from the EU GREEN consortium.
The next steps will be to recruit PhD students from both institutions interested in EU GREEN projects for joint supervision.
From UEX to UE_Cluster 2
Beatriz Cano & Iris Rubio (PhD student) are visiting Isabel Pestana for 2 months starting in January
The topic is biomass management and pollution mitigation
The Alentejo and Extremadura regions are characterized by abundant biomass, including agricultural, forestry, and livestock production waste. However, proper management of this biomass is an ongoing challenge. Additionally, the presence of contaminants, such as pesticides and heavy metals, negatively affects water and soil quality in the region. Specific training for Iris in the area of saliva related with food compounds bioavailability.
From UNIPR to UA _ Cluster 2
Giovanni Sogari will visit Marianne Lefebvre for 3 days in June
Giovanni will provide some seminars on sustainability in the food sector (e.g., consumer perception of alternative proteins like edible insects) and on new research methods for consumer research. The aim of these seminars will be to examine in detail the structure and content of consumers studies, highlighting the pros/cons of different methods/approaches, and identify best practices in terms of designing and implementing consumer’s questionnaires, and analysing/interpreting the data. This methodological approach fits well with the workshops called “atelier de partage de connaissances” organized regularly at Granem. Another activity that Dr.Sogari will carry out while visiting the Université d'Angers is to provide feedback on research protocols of PhD candidates of GRANEM (around 40 PhD students, some of whom working on consumer’s research in economics and management).
From UO to UEX _ Cluster 3
Dan Noje is visiting Salvador Abreu for 3 days in April
Work on constraint modeling
Identify common research topics with the Inviting Professor and his colleagues, that can lead to future research projects
Get familiar with the research methodology used by Evora researchers in case of research projects that involve international research teams, especially considering the compliance with SGDs.
Identify the professional networks in which the two universities are members, such that to increase the internalization potential for both of them, working to prepare a Horizon RIA project together with other EU GREEN partners