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EU GREEN - WP3 Research

Separated by coma

List of scientific equipment availble in the EU GREEN alliance universities


 List of abbreviations :

ATU - Atlantic Technological University, Ireland

UE - University of Evora, Portugal

UEX - University of Extramadura, Spain

OVGU- Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany

UNIPR- University of Parma, Italy

UA - University of Angers, France

HiG- University of Gävle, Sweden

UO- University of Oradea, Romania, 

UPWR - Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Poland 


Do you want to know more about clusters? Go in the section "About EU GREEN" 



Cluster number

Name and utility of the equipment

To which university does it belong to?


Clinical Recovery Hospital Baile Felix


Pharmaceutical research laboratory

Equipment within the SmartProSys Research Cluster Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical System, Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research, Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation IFF


SMEs in Sweden as models for self-sufficiency in circular energy systems, e.g., biogas production from farm biowaste for production energy and fertilisers

Lentivect: platform of vectorization in gene transfer.


PACEM (Cellular and Molecular Analysis Platform): infectiology sequencing.

- SCIAM: Imagery and Microscopy analysis devices.

Elemental and molecular analysis service (SAEM)


Animal facility and animal experimentation service

Imaging diagnosis service in veterinary sciences and biomedicine and preparation of sexed seminal doses for equine reproduction

Radiological protection service techniques applied to bioscience service (STAB)


Dryers (freeze-dryer, vacuum dryer, spray dryer, etc.) : food production in powdered form 


HPLC: determination of selected bioactives 

Milk analysis lab: Milk characterisation and cheese making

UNIPR, Department of Veterinary Science

Feed analysis lab: Feed chemical and nutritional characterisation

Food analysis lab: Food chemical and nutritional characterisation

UNIPR, Department of Food and Drug

Internet of Things (IoT) Lab: Design and implementation of IoT systems for agricultural applications

UNIPR, Department of Engineering and Architecture

Law library and online legal database

UNIPR, Department of Law, Politics and International Studies

Labs for characterisation of microorganisms : Study the diversity and functions of microbiomes in agroecosystems

UNIPR, Dept. Chemistry, Life Science and Environmental Sustainability

Labs for soil and water analysis (micro and macro nutrient/contaminants) and GHG exchange: Study all parameters of relevance in the environmental matrices

Labs for “omic” characterisation of crop plants: Study the modifications of plant genomes, transcriptome, proteome, metabolome

UV reactor: Microbiological reduction 


Bioinformatics lab: Genomic tools for genetic improvement of livestock

UNIPR, Department of Veterinary Science

Infectious Diseases lab : Generation of new animal disease prevention strategies based on innovative vaccines development

Histology lab : Evaluation of nutritional strategy on animal digestive traits morphology 

Infectious Diseases lab: Development and study of alternatives to antimicrobials

Agricultural management and accounting and rural appraisal lab : Economic-financial assessments in the agricultural, livestock and industrial fields

Anaerobic Digester

ATU Donegal Research Facility


Water channel - 12 m long, 1.2 m width, 1 m^3/s : Research on hydraulic and tidal turbines, fish passage and compatibility


Wind tunnel incl. rain simulation (--> experiments for soil erosion with wind + rain) : Research on rain formation in clouds, rain impact on devices and structures

Multi reactor system - 6-x 90ml Parr high pressure

Reactor system - 300ml Parr with dosing system

Reactor system HITEC - homogeneous catalysis (fully automatized)

Reactions calorimeter RC1 MettlerToledo with dosing system

Reactions calorimeter Optimax and EasyMax with dosing system

C80 Calvet Calorimeter Multiple glas reactors - Batch, Semi batch, CSTR (with dosing systems)

Kinetic fixed-bed reactor (fully automatized)

Berty-Reaktor - CSTR heterogeneous catalysis

Analytics: GC, GC-MS  (Agilent), HPLC (VWR, LaChrome), FTIR- (Si- and Diamant,, operando or in situ, Mettler Toledo), Raman (Kaiser), Benchtop-NMR ( 1H, 19F, 31P; 43MHz), UV/VIS

Membrane reactors (1-/Multi-channel), Adsorptive reactors

Membrane filtration (MF, UF, NF) with Polymeric-/Ceramic modules (plate, tube, Multi-channel, spiral wounding modules)

Simulated Moving Bed plant - Thermo Gravimetry/ Differential Scanning Calorimetry Netzsch

Fermentation system Sartorius (1l und 5 l)

Bi-plane 3D-Angiographiesystem Siemens ARTIS icono

Interventionelles CT - Siemens SOMATOM X.cite

3 Tesla Magnetresonanztomograph - Siemens Magnetom Skyra

Lightweight construction Roboter for medical use - KUKA iwa

Miniature MRI 0.55T - Fa. PURE DEVICES

Miniature X-ray system 50kV - Fa. MOXTEK

Flextronik-Labor mit COS Laserschneidanlage CS6090

3D Drucker Stratasys Fortus 380mc

LPKF ProtoLaser U4

Living lab “Advanced cooling technology for development of advanced metals”

Excellence in heat treatment processes to design sustainable advanced metal products in a complete environment for researching and developing the most creative and innovative technological solutions. The living lab has been equipped with advanced physical test facilities for heat treatment of long and flat steel products, resources for computer simulation, as well as resources for material testing.



Wind tunnel

Fundamental studies of natural ventilation, Ventilation of Compact cities, wind turbines, etc

Laboratory of building energy and indoor environment measurement

o      Thermal comfort loggers

o      Temperature & humidity loggers

o      Heat flux meters (thermopiles)

o      Ventilation and air infiltration measurement equipment

      Tracer gas equipment

•       Ventilation rate & effectiveness

•       Tracking of airborne contaminants

•       Passive equipment for large scale (field survey) measurements

      Wind pressure on building structures (e.g. air infiltration appl.)

      IR thermography

      Building aerodynamic wind tunnel, model tests of:

•       wind conditions around buildings, incl. detailed turbulence

•       wind pressure on structures

•       air infiltration assessment

      Ventilation duct air flow meters

o      Air speed and air flow pattern

      Omnidirectional thermistor anemometers (several)

      Sonic anemometers (speed + direction)

      PIV and LDA (speed + direction; detailed turbulence mapping)

      Visualization techniques (particle tracking etc.)

      Tracer gas equipment

o      Air quality measurements

      CO2 loggers

      Airborne particulate matter (particle counters & filter collection)

      GC-MS for air chemical composition


•       Outdoor climate measurement equipment (portable):

o      Wind speed (sonic anemometers)

o      Solar radiation (diffuse + direct)

o      Precipitation

o      Temperature

o      Humidity

Laboratory of Environmental Acoustics and Soundscape

1. microphones


- binaural ("ears"),

- binaural - in-ear,

- ambisonic, four-way,

- ultrasonic,

- electret,

- directional, open, condenser "shotgun" type.

2. Acoustic array camera (164 directional microphones) with "Noise Inspector" software.

3. programmable microcontrollers with Enviro pHAT sensors.

4. software: Ableton, Kaleidoscope Pro.

5. VR goggles Oculus Quest and HTC Vive Pro.

6. 10-channel sampler and mixer.

7. microcontrollers: Raspberry Pi B+, A, and 2.

8. drone with multispectral camera

9. mobile eye-tracker Pupil Invisible

Laboratory of Environmental Research

1. Chlorofluorocarbon (AOX) analyser

2. Total organic carbon (TOC) analyser for liquids and suspensions

3. Distillation apparatus

4. Batometer

5. Gas chromatograph (GC) + gas analyser (tedlar bags)

6. Gas chromatograph (GC/MS) + headspace (HS)

7. Ion chromatograph Dionex 3000

8. Extractor

9. Photometer for cuvette-based assays

10. Calorimeter

11. Conductivity meters

12. Plate luminometer

13. Sound level meter

14. Multi-parameter meter

15. Microwave sample digester

16. Fluorescence microscope

17. Confocal microscope

18. DELTA inverted microscope

19. BIOLAR trinocular microscope

20. COD mineraliser

21. FTIR spectrophotometer with microscope

22. FTIR spectrometer

23. Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer ICP OES

24. UV-VIS spectrometer (SPECTROLAB)

25. Heating and cooling equipment (incubators, refrigerators, dryers)

26. Centrifuges MPW-260

27. Automatic particle image analysis kit

28. Membrane filtration kit

29. Kit for collection, measurement and determination of physico-chemical parameters of groundwater

1 computing station cluster 

1 continuous wave laser at 532 nm 

1 Nd:YAG laser at 1064 nm (doubled, tripled) with short pulses 17 ps 


1 tunable parametric oscillator OPO 1 μm to 2 μm 

1 Nd:YAG laser at 1064 nm (doubled, tripled) short pulse 9 ns, 10 Hz 

1 dye pumped laser at 532 nm 

1 short-pulse 1064 nm Nd:YAG laser (doubled, tripled) 40 ps (not operational) 

1 cooled germanium camera 

3 Er:Yb doped fiber power amplifiers 

1 13 GHz real-time oscilloscope 

2 optical spectrum analyzers 

2 optical autocorrelators 

1 microwave spectrum analyzer 

1 THR 1500 spectrometer with 0.1 nm resolution 

1 LCOS spatial light modulator (reflection) 1920x1080 pixels 

1 cooled monochrome camera14 bits 2750x2200 pixels 

1 ocean optics 2000+ spectro 

1 FLIR monochrome camera 

1 FLIR portable infrared camera 

1 ellipsometer UVISEL, 

1 LEICA microscope, 

1 Dektac profilometer

1 Bruker Avance III HD 500 MHz NMR spectrometer

1 Bruker Avance III 300 MHz NMR spectrometer

1 NMR Spectrometer JEOL 400 MHz

1 spectromètre RMN Bruker 600MHz (to come in 2023)  

1 Mass spectrometer, high resolution Jeol JMS 700, sources EI, CI, FAB, ESI, APCI. 

1 Bruker Esquire 3000+ ion trap, ESI, APCI ionization sources coupled with a Waters Alliance HT 2795 HPLC separation module, Waters 2487 UV detector

1 GC-MS Shimadzu (IE source)

1 Spiral-TOF mass spectrometer with TOF/TOF option JEOL JMS-S3000

1 Mass Spectrometer Waters Xevo QTOF G2-XS, source ESI avec UPLC

1 Thermo Electron elemental analyzer (Flash 2000) with two furnaces (CHNS and O) 

1 M-Braun dry glove box with 6 gloves incorporating 1 Boc Edwards evaporation rack 

1 Keithley 2036

2 Keithley source meters  

1 Solar simulator AM1.5 / KHS

1 Solar simulator AM 1.5 / Newport  

1 Spectrophotometer UV-visible-NIR Lambda 950 Perkin-Elmer 

1 GBX contact angle measurement bench 

1 PLASSYS ME300 evaporation frame under turbo-molecular vacuum 

1 Bruker Vertex 70 infrared spectrometer 

1 Biologic/Roper Scientific/SETI spectroelectrochemical measuring bench 

1 Atomic force microscope NanoObserver/CSInstrument 

2 Spectrophotometers UV-visible / Shimadzu 

1 Spectrofluorometer / Shimadzu

1 Spectrofluorometer / JASCO

1 Circular Dichroism UV-vis spectrophotometer   

1 Profilometer / Tencor 

1 MBraun dry glove box with 8 gloves + 1 MBraun evaporation rack + 1 spin coater 


1 PYSA HITACHI (Photoemission Yield Spectroscopy in Air) 

1 Filmetrics F20 reflectometer

1 LEICA MSZ12 microscope equipped with a video camera 

1 Kappa CCD single crystal diffractometer (BRUKER NONIUS) (Mo source) equipped with a low temperature system (N2) (90K-373K)

1 Supernova four-circle single crystal diffractometer with Cu microsource (Agilent Technologies) equipped with a low temperature system (N2) (90K-500K) 

1 D8 ADVANCE powder diffractometer (BRUKER), equipped with a temperature chamber (100K-723K) 

1 Thermogravimetric analyzer TGA 2050 (TA instruments) (293K-1273K) 

1 Differential enthalpy analyzer DSC 2010 (TA Instruments) equipped with a low temperature system (N2) (100K-873K) 

1 LEICA M125 microscope equipped with a video camera 

1 LEICA DM2500 polarizing microscope equipped with a video camera and a temperature chamber (100K-693K) 

Laser nano, Spectra Physics, 1064,532, 355 nm + Laser Dye Opton 550 to 700 nm 

Jobin Yvon spectrometer 

Stanford SR 430 photon counter 

Cryostat Optistat DN-V 

Laser pico Continuum 10Hz (7 mJ @ 1064nm) (532nm and/or 355nm) 

OPO TOPAS laser, 400 nm-1650nm 

Synchronous detection Stanford SR 830 

Continuous laser diodes, Thorlabs, 972 nm, 980 nm 

Oscilloscope Tektronix TDS6124C 

1 femtosec. laser TSUNAMI Spectra-Physics coupled to a YAG:Nd MILLENIA 10W 

Ellipsometer, HORIBA Jobin-Yvon, UVISEL NIR, 75 W lamp, spectral range 245-2100 nm 

1 CCD camera imaging spectrometer Roper Scientific 

Hamamatsu photomultiplier 

1 inverted microscope IX 71 Olympus 

Spatial light modulator, HOLOEYE, Pluto NIR 1000-1064nm 

2 photon counting acquisition chains in transmission and reflection HAMAMATSU 

Green continuous wave laser (532 nm), LASOS (100 mW) 

Oscilloscope Agilent DSO-X 3054A 

Femtochrome autocorrelator FR-103XLWS 

TurboVac SL80 Oerlikon pump 

CCD camera QImaging, cooled 0°C, Retiga 6000 

1 inverted microscope IX 83 Olympus 

Laser diodes

1 Diagnosis and material characterization bench of possible defects (delamination, bubbles, cracks, damage ...) in materials (composites, bonded assemblies, ...)

1 Robot POODLE: PrOtOtype of LasEr weed control. 

1 Experimental Platform for the (autonomous) NaviGation of a Symmetrical AgrIcole Robot.

1 Bio-inspired humanoid RObot.

1 Platform of instrumentation and multimodality imagery dedicated to the phenotyping of plants.

1 Virtual reality platform: Platform allowing the immersion of one or several person(s) in virtual environments. 

1 Eye-tracking systems

2 High density electroencephalogram (EEGhd)

1 Climatic and vibratory chamber

1 HAST (High Accelerated Stress Test) experimental device monitored in humidity and/or temperature.

1 Vibration pot

Geothermal power plant

SCADA Laboratory

Geothermal well station


Geothermal pumping station

National Centre for Geothermal Research

Geothermal station for heating and domestic hot water

→ Research in renewable energy

5-axis CNC Laser machine tool

Prof. Cornel Antal

Robot performing handling, assembly or processing tasks such as drilling or deburring and the second

Robot performing MIG welding assembly tasks


The high-speed digital camera

SMART Industries Technology Transfer Center

The confocal laser scanning microscope for

Technologic and Scientific Park

IIoT servers, Machine learning servers

→ rapid prototyping, automation, robotics

5 axis CNC machine

Prof. Vesselenyi Tiberiu

Additive manufacturing machine

Mechanical testing machines


Fatigue testing machine


Construction materials testing


Plastic materials testing


3D measurement machine


3D laser scanners


Scanning Electron Microscope


AFM5000, Agilent




Optical interrogator with fiber Bragg sensors for temperature, strain and acceleration measurements

Nanoscience Research Platform – SMARTMAT

Portable Digital Vibrometer

→ material characterization

Acoustic Tube

Prof. Vesselenyi Tiberiu

Thermovision system


Smart Camera

Interdisciplinary Research Infrastructure in Mechatronics and Intelbuild

Hydraulic equipment set

Prof. Bungau Constantin

Pneumatic equipments set

Sensors for pneumatics and hydraulics


KNX system for building control




Cryogenic probe station with handling arm for non-destructive testing of the materials and equipment in electric/electromagnetic field.


Thermal imager for high temperatures


Set of research equipment for measuring very low temperatures - 12 probes and field values - Gauss-metre and accessories


Microwave research equipment with measurement and control systems for the study of ceramics susceptor

Interdisciplinary Research Platform for Technologies in Electrical Engineering

Microwave research system with measurement equipment for oil extraction from grape seeds/floral plant substrate

Prof. Francisc Hathazi

Microwave field laboratory reactor, used to obtain hybrid materials (conductive polymers, semiconductors, dielectrics) through pyrolysis processes by spray

NI LabVIEW Robotics Starter Kit


Flexible Manufacturing System FMS UO 01


E-Laboratory for ABB robots


Autonomous robots

Interdisciplinary Research Infrastructure in Robotics - IRIROB LAB

Augmented/Virtual Reality Systems

Integrated Sensors and Biosensors Laboratory - ISBL

Quadcopter Thrust Data Logger

Prof Tarca Radu

Quadcopter monitoring air polution

Hexacopter platform for crop treatment


PXI DAQ System with Optical Sensor Interrogator for Fiber Bragg Gratings


Fiber Bragg Grating sensors


Jaz Modular Spectroscopy Suite


SpectraSuite Spectrometer Operating Software


UV-VIS Spectrophotometer Specord 210 Plus


Optical fiber biosensor


LMC-3000, Laboratory Centrifuge


High-Performance Computer


GIS Etudes Touristiques : Association carried by the University of Angers, for promoting and developing research in tourism, that has 21 universities and institutions of research in France. Label CNRS. 185 researchers, 26 scientific disciplinaries. GIS Etudes touristiques offers two funds to support research project : Tremplin (to help to organise consortium of research); International publication (funds to translate scientific article in English) 


Tourism Innovation Lab chair : The chair has a mission to help to increase better partnership between tourism researchers, institutions and companies (example : Espaces review ; Accor group; Alpes Compagny, etc.)

ATU Donegal Research Facility






Portuguese Platform; CityUMacau Chair in Sustainable Heritage :
Aims to develop and promote joint common cultural heritage research projects with the City University of Macau
To promote the creation of a Joint Laboratory in Macau involving the City University of Macau and the University of Évora


UNESCO Chair in Intangible Heritage and Traditional know-how.
The aim is to promote an integrated system of research, training, information and documentation on intangible cultural heritage and traditional craftsmanship. 


Marketur_Research group on Tourism marketing and management


The Annals of the University of Oradea. Economic Sciences:


The Annals of the University of Oradea. Economic Sciences:

Oradea Journal of Business and Economics (OJBE)
Two local scientific journals that can help diffusion of results


The Annals of the University of Oradea. Economic Sciences:

Oradea Journal of Business and Economics (OJBE)
Two local scientific journals that can help diffusion of results

European and International Research Support Unit


Scientific Equipment Fund


University of Parma


University of Parma


Atlantic Technological University


Atlantic Technological University

ArtériaLab laboratory for experimentation, prototyping and transdisciplinary research at the crossroads of art, science and design

Atlantic Technological University

Hércules Lab is a research infrastructure devoted to the study and valorisation of cultural heritage, focusing on the integration of physical and material sciences methodologies and tools in interdisciplinary approaches.

Atlantic Technological University


OBSERVES – CIEP - The Observatório de Escolas do Sul (Observatory of Southern Schools) is an academic and interdisciplinary structure based at CIEP-UE, destined to create inter-institutional synergies involving schools/groupings, HE Institutions , Training Centers and Association of Schools, with the objectives: a) Support schools/groups in self-assessment processes; b) Monitor the implementation of strategic action plans; c) Provide training that responds to the needs of schools/groups; d) Promote the sharing of experiences and resources.

Recirculation Facility: Live rearing of fin fish and shellfish, fish and invertebrate health research

Molecular/proteomics laboratories: genetic sequencing of aquatic organisms, eDNA, immunology studies


Histology and image analysis suite: Analysis of tissues from aquatic organisms, sclerochronology, microplastics research, immunology


Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy: Marine and freshwater microplastics


Bioacoustic monitoring equipment: Acoustic monitoring of aquatic and terrestrial organisms 


Boats, engines & sampling equipment including water sampling drones: Sampling of aquatic environments


Cell culture and microbiology facilities: Immunology of aquatic organisms, host-pathogen interactions, antimicrobial responses


Sediment analysis and macroinvertebrate taxonomy: Granulometric analysis and taxonomic identification of marine and freshwater biota


Integrated Multitrophic Aquaculture and Seaweed/Bivalve Aquaculture field sites: Collaboration with Marine Institute and Seaweed and Oyster producers for access to licensed sites with possibilities for ecological restoration, biodiversity and environmental monitoring.


SCIR mapping:a 3D workstation that including a 3D monitor and 3D glasses.CIR ortho-rectified imagery : stereographic near-infrared false colour (sCIR) imagery for habitat mapping


Environmental Research laboratories: A wide range of monitoring and analytical equipment


Biomolecular lab: Lab equipped for biomolecular and toxicology research


Protistology : cultivation facilities


ATU Mountbellew (education and research farm): Education and research farm; 169ha and associated facilities; 80 Dairy cows; 60 suckler cows and 250 sheep; 


Long-term Tree-grass ecosystem research site: Experimental site of 500 ha where the effect of N deposition of ecosystem functioning is measured since 2014. The site is equipped with three eddy-covariance towers, lysimiters, phenocams, and other instruments to measure ecosystem functions


Elemental and molecular analysis laboratory: Laboratory to analyse soil, plant and water, molecular spectroscopy, food and pollutants


Bioscience laboratory: Laboratory that gives support to molecular, cellular, and genetic analysis


UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Nedre Dalälven: Finding possibilities for new ways for humans to interact in and with nature and finding new ways for sustainable life and -development


UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Voxnadalen: Finding possibilities for new ways for humans to interact in and with nature and finding new ways for sustainable life and -development


Gävle city: Co-operation over development of green areas and their biodiversity etc


Upplandsstiftelsen: Co-operation over development of natural reserves and other biodiverse areas


Harmånger Maskin & Marin AB: A small company making fishing traps, that are seal safe, and by-catch reducing. These pontoon traps are used in the Baltic Sea, Donau Delta, and other seas in Europe


University of Gävle culture collection (UGCC): An international collection of microorganisms


Molecular biology laboratory: This infrastructure is available for conducting basic experiments in microbial molecular biology for genetic analysis of individual organisms or populations


Plant growth chambers, tests for plant pathogenicity: Enables experiments on plants in controlled environments, for example pathogenicity tests of plant pathogens


Mobile laboratory for analysing biological quality of waters in Bihor-Bihar macroregion: This infrastructure is a mobile, biomonitoring and environment qualifying laboratory able to examine and evaluate the surface waters in a fast, accurate and relatively cheap way, thus letting the scientific results be economically beneficial following the rules of environment and nature protection. This facility can carry out physico-chemical parameters analysis and monitoring of the aquatic organisms communities from inland surface waters.


Plant biotechnology laboratory: The laboratory carries out research activities in the field of in vitro tissues plant culture and implicitly of the plant eco-physiology, anatomy and morphology.


Jiului Gorge Natural Park: Cooperation in biodiversity studies, biodiversity conservation.


Iron Gates National Park: Cooperation in biodiversity studies, biodiversity conservation.


Mitra Experimental estate: Experimental estate owned by the university of Evora, dedicated to studies in environmental and agrarian sciences - precision agriculture, grazing, cork oak irrigation, rewilding patches, bird monitoring, camera trapping, etc.


Hwange LTSER: Monitoring of the dynamics of biodiversity, and the coexistence between humans in biodiversity in Hwange National Park and its surroundings (Zimbabwe)


Plaine et Val de Sevre LTSER: Experiments in agroecology in farmland landscape (France)


Lake Santo and Lake Scuro LTER aquatic environments: Lakes whose biodiversity has been studied since the 1950’s


Guadine – Pradaccio Forest Park: Many trees studied for genetic and ecophysiology traits. About 350 European beech trees of 16 years of age whose parents are known. Useful for genetic assessment end evolutionary potential of ecophysiology traits


Passo Gavia Long Term Monitoring and Experimental Site: Long Term Monitoring and Experimental Site in alpine habitat in which several experimental facilities are installed for the study of the effects of climate change (for example, temperature increase using OTC, precipitation reduction using rain-out shelters, reduction of snow cover, interaction between nutrient deposition and climate drivers) on biodiversity and ecosystem processes in high altitude environments.


Microbiome Research Hub (Microbiology) ( The MRH supports research across a wide spectrum of microbiome-related topics, all aimed to devise methods for improving human and animal health by manipulating microbial populations.






