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- >Research Week #2 - ATU 2024
Research Week #2 - ATU
EU GREEN WP3's 2nd edition of the Research Week took place from Monday 17th to Wednesday 19th of June 2024 at the Atlantic Technological University (Sligo campus, Ireland)
Bridging gaps: Advance Collaboration in Research and Education
KEEP KALMWhat to Keep Add, have Less of, and More of in WP3?
This question was asked to the participants of the 2024 Research Week in ATU, Sligo, Ireland: using the agile KEEP KALM method, feedback was received from the 100 participants to the event through post it notes. The recap is available below:
Virtual poster session
Find below all the posters presented in Sligo :
- Cheese, ham, wine and sustainable agri-food supply chains - CDF+ seed funding
- BASE seed funding: Baseline Assessment of Sustainability related Educational practices and perceptions of the academic and research staff across EU Green
- TAILEXER seed funding
- Horizon call on energy (energy efficient micro grids)
- AGRIBIOPEP seed funding
- Living, Inquiring and Knowing: outdoor practices for sustainability (BIP)
- Ecofiction for sustainable education:
- Digital Assessment of Nursing Students’ Clinical Education (Eramsus+ application)
- MOTEA seed funding: improving digital communication of European touristic destinations to contribute to sustainability & dvt of inclusive & resilient cities
- MHUS seed funding : Metacognitive Approach for University Students with Depressive Symptoms
- PROVES: promoting evidence based solutions for biodiversity and ecosystem services delivery
Brainstorming sessions
1. How to create a Blended Intensive Program from scratch ? | |
2. Erasmus+ KA2 action : Strategic Partnership - How can clusters take advantage of this tool ? | |
3. EU GREEN 2024/25 Scientific conference cycle: discuss and prepare the conferences linked to clusters thematics | |
4. Citizen Science and link with External Partners | |
5. Our Campuses as Living Labs | |
6. Joint Phd council & JRC Session : mapping the doctoral regulations in our countries Check the sharepoint for all the material ! | |
7. Identifying sustainability- related Key Issues in Our Communities Slides (to come) |
Also available : the slides of the session dedicated to the PhD council's work on MSCA DN applications.
Pictures from the 2024 Research week
Feedback from the participants
Thanks to all the respondents to the survey: this kind of feedback is crucial to keep the bottom-up approach witin the Work Package 3.
Click here to read the Feedback on the research week 2024 in your browser
Curious about the first edition? Check the Feedback from 2023 by clicking here
Other participants
WP3 leading team
- Marco Bartoli, UNIPR, WP3 leader & aquatic ecologist broadly interested in how human pressures affect the biodiversity and functioning of aquatic ecosystems, including surface and groundwater, inland and coastal areas. Water quality and quantity is important for life and I am interested in how future food production systems will impact water. With this respect, I am looking for interactions among clusters 1, 2, 3 and 6. I am also interest in educational aspects of sustainability.
- Claire Manceau, UA. Head of the European Projects departement at UA & WP3 leader.
- Alix Blouët, WP3 coordinator.
Participants from other WPs
- Anna Posadowska-Malarz - Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator at UPWr - WP6 Mobility & Internationalization : Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator at Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences (UPWr), the co-leader of WP6. Together with the University of Parma (leader of WP6) organized the first Call for BIPs within EU GREEN. At UPWr responsible for all the activities within Erasmus+ including writing proposals, budget control and reporting. During the WP3 Staff Week wants to answer all the questions and dispel any doubts regarding BIPs.
- Krzysztof Kafarski - Head of the International Relations Office at UPWr - WP6 Mobility & Internationalization Co-Leader of the WP6 within the EU GREEN Alliance. Experience in management and administration of international programmes, such as Erasmus+ KA1 and KA2 projects, CEEPUS, Polish Agency for Academic Exchange and other programmes within international and national frameworks. Fully engaged in the HRS4R process at UPWr, from the application stage to the Site Visit of the European Commission representatives.
External speakers
- Anna Pirani, Senior research associate of the Centre Euro Mediterranean on Climate Change, research division ‘Risk assessment and adaptation strategies’. She is working on international, European, national and local climate risk assessment and climate policies, in particular adaptation.
Cluster 1 - Emerging paradigms for health and wellbeing
Leader & coleader :
- Mariana Muresan, UO
- Tomina Saveanu, UO: I am a researcher within the Faculty of Economic Sciences in University of Oradea. I am involved in the EU Green project from the start of its implementation in both WP2 - Education and WP3 - Research. Within WP3 Oradea team, as part of the task force, I am mainly a facilitator of the communication in Cluster 1, and also try to find matches between different initiatives across different faculties from our university. The main expectation from my participation in the staff week is to: help Cluster 1 members clarify the action plan for next year; to find potential partners for project ideas; identify means to advertise the project to other researchers that might benefit and contribute to the EU Green outcomes; and enhance involvement in research and educational activities. My personal research interests include corporate social responsibility in SMEs, and, more recently, knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of students related to sustainability and the SDGs.
During the staff week I will try to strengthen the connections between WP2 and 3, as I will present the Educational Strategy to the WP3 members. Lisa Ryan, ATU: Brain health, healthy ageing, nutraceuticals
- Fritea Luminita My main research topic is focused on electrochemical (bio)sensors based on carbon-based nanomaterials and metallic nanoparticles (among others) for the detection/monitoring of biomarkers and pharmaceutical compounds with biomedical applications (biological fluids, pharmaceutical products) in the medical/health field. I have a strong experience in electrochemistry, especially in the design and optimization of (nano)platforms and in the development of (bio)sensors. During the staff week, I expect to meet other researchers from other universities from Cluster 1 who are already involved in common projects and also to discuss and find new partners for collaboration (especially on nanomedicine sub-cluster).
- Ed Daly - ATU: Research scientist specializing in mild traumatic brain injury at ATU Research scientist specializing in mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) physiology, mTBI/concussion education strategies, athlete workload management (injury risk), objective mTBI/concussion diagnosis and post injury management. Founder member of the Irish Concussion Research Centre (ICRC) based in ATU (Galway City). Collaborating with academic, medical and sports organisations in Ireland, Australia, USA, New Zealand, Japan, Canada, Denmark and the UK. Developing athlete welfare strategies to reduce mTBI / concussion injury risk ranging from professional / high performance sport to amateur sports. Wants further discuss current topics with Cluster 1 representatives, discuss Erasmus Mundus opportunities, meet with colleagues to discuss BIPS and other research topics
- Kevin Cradock, ATU: My Research Topic is: Behaviour Change Initiation and Maintenance. I hope to meet other academics & researchers from other countries and I hope to contribute to future Climate Change Initiatives.
- Richeal Burns, ATU: I am an applied health economist and health policy researcher as well as one of the three leads on the THRIVE PRTP. I hope to make connections across the EU Green community in relation to health intervention studies and policy. I would like to prepare for BIP development and mobility opportunities with research centres in the 2024-25 academic year.
- Michael McCann, ATU: My area of research interest is in Data Analytics, HPC and Digital Healthcare. I would like to explore more opportunity to build research collaboration with EU Green partner researchers and also just to meet people socially to build friendships.
- Jennie Jackson, HiG: My research focuses on work organisation, physical and psychosocial work environment factors, and occupational health. Further, I am interested in aspects of (in)equality in these factors, for example, in relation to gender and/or place of birth. Much of my research has involved blue-collar workers and I am particularly interested in the on-going Industry 5.0 transformation and consideration of social and economic sustainability. I am looking forward to continuing the development of our Occupational Health sub-group and finding new collaborators for future research endeavors.
- Maria Engström, HiG: Nursing, care of the elderly, staff workenvironment within healthcare.
- Guillermo Gervasi: Professor of Pharmacology at the University of Extremadura. Coordinator of the Clinical Pharmacogenetics research group. Main research focus: genetic and nongenetic biomarkers in chronic kidney disease and renal transplant. I expect to contact other groups with shared interests to work on specific studies and/or search for EU financing opportunities.
- Amy Mullee, ATU: My main research interests are to understand how diet can be modified to improve healthy aging. My areas of expertise are in dietary exposure assessment, anthropometry, hydration, dietary pattern analysis, cancer, mortality, systematic review and public health nutrition. I would like to build collaborations for teaching and research in these areas or complimentary areas related to nutrition.
- Federica Fantuzzi, UNIPR: I am dedicated to understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the development of diabetes. I study the effects of metabolites of (poly) phenols on the function of pacreatic beta-cells derived from induced pluripotent stem cells. From the staff week, I expect to strengthen our collaborations (intra- and inter-clusters) and have an overview of other clusters' activities.
- Lara Guedes de Pinho, UEX : Associate Professor at Nursing Department, University of Évora; Researcher in Comprehensive Health Research Centre, University of Évora, Portugal. PhD in Psychology (2018) and PhD in Nursing and Health (2021); Master in Health and Clinical Psychology and Specialized in Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing. Research field / areas of expertise - mental health; metacognitive training; university students; depression; schizophrenia. Tasks in EUGreen: Coordinator of the seed funding project MHUS - Mental Health of University Students ; Researcher of the seed funding project chain2sustain; Team member of the BIP proposal Doctorate in Nursing Sciences; PhD Supervisor together with Maria Engstrom (UGavle) - PhD student Maria João Silva
- Annika Jägerbrand, HiG: Annika’s research interests span a wide range of topics, including the ecological impact of LED lighting, strategies to mitigate negative ecological effects of light pollution, lighting design, sustainability, energy efficiency, and traffic safety. She is an experienced lecturer in ecology, environmental science, and lighting science.
Cluster 2 - Agriculture, food and environmental sustainability
- Leading team from UNIPR
- Elena Maestri: During the research week, she hopes to work on Interaction , make new friendship and create new projects
- Federico Righi: He works on animal nutrition. During the research week, he wants to work on new ideas and new projects
- Jacinta Dalton - ATU : I am currently undertaking a phd researching impacts of public food procurement on sustainability, so I am hoping to gain more insights and share insights on this within the cluster team that I have not yet met.
- Alessandro Petraglia - University of Parma: Effects of climate change on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning.
- Malgorzata Korzeniowska - UPWR : food industry side stream matrials valorization, food quality and sustainability, making contacts to enhance my research and myself
- Maria Dermiki - Lecturer of Food Product Development, Food legislation and Sustainable Food Systems in ATU Sligo. Key topics: Product development of foods for different population groups, Sensory changes with age, Plant-based foods,Insect-containing foods, Food waste revalorisation. During the research week, wants to meet other researchers to discuss about future research collaborations on food waste revalorisation, foods for older people, insect-containing foods & Discuss about teaching exchange on subjects related to my field.
- Magdalena Szymura, UPWR: My research is focused on biological invasions and habitat restoration of sites invaded by alien plant species. I'm also a leader of Leading Research Group Biodiversity and sustainable development in Agriculture and Horticulture. My plan for Research Week is to discuss the possibilities of cooperation in these areas with researchers from the EU GREEN network. I am also a member of PhD Council, and I would like to participate in discussion on Doctoral Network development.
- Sandra Wright, HiG: My research is in plant pathology, but I am also interested in plant-microbe interactions in general, also innocuous or beneficial ones. Specialization in biocontrol and biodegradation of mycotoxins. I expect to meet researchers with similar research interests from other EU GREEN universities.
- Mahrokh Jamshidvand: My research topic is sustainable developing protein-fortified foods for older adults. Phd representative.
- Lars Hillström, HiG: My research topics are challenges in creating a sustainable agriculture and increasing biodiversity. I am also involved in Cluster 6, and as I am an ecologist, I am interested to have discussions on how to meet the challenges in restoration of different habitats in forests, agricultural areas and in the aquatic environments. I believe it would be great to integrate the challenges for the research in Cluster 2 and Cluster 6, especially when it comes to increase the use of nature for reducing fossil fuels and at the same time increase biodiversity.
- Maria José Benito, UEx: STRATEGIES TO OBTAIN BIOACTIVE COMPOUNDS FROM BY-PRODUCTS OF THE AGRIFOOD INDUSTRY. Bioactive peptides recovery from agrifood industry waste. Functional Dairy products.
- Gaetano Donofrio, UNIPR: Infectious Diseases. Virology. Viral vectors.
- Maria João Cabrita, UEx : wine technology, stabilization and sensory analysis in Enology Viticulture and Enology and Food Science. During the research week, she's looking for projects opportunities and PhD exchanges.
- Owen Kenny, ATU: LC-MS/MS, Natural Product Chemistry, HPLC Analysis, Natural Antioxidants, Antimicrobial Activity
- Leading team from UNIPR
Cluster 3 - Engineering and technology for sustainable development
Leader : Ulrich Krause, OVGU
I graduated in fluid mechanics and thermodynamics and apply the principles from there in process safety science. My group is working on hazard and risk analysis, fire and explosion protection, hydrogen safety, battery safety and safe and efficient recycling technologies.
Co-leader : Ewa Burszta Adamiak, UPWR:
My research area is related to sustainable stormwater management in urban areas, with a particular focus on quantitative and qualitative aspects of the functioning of green-blue infrastructure solutions (or Nature-based Solutions), including hydrological performance assessment of green roofs and rain gardens, technical feasibility analysis of rainwater harvesting systems, and a study of stormwater runoff quality. During the Staff Week, I expect to make contact with researchers from partner universities who are doing research in a similar field, in order to expand my network for collaborative research and to apply for projects in the future.
- Marion McAfee : I am a mechatronic engineer and do research into sensing and modelling of systems particularly applications in materials processing, smart manufacturing, and biomedical and drug delivery systems. I want to go to the staff week to build research collaborations across EU Green, particularly in the area of doctoral training for more focus on SDGs.
- Roberta Pinalli - University of Parma : Covalent adaptable networks, supramolecular polymers, self-diagnostic and self-healing materials. looking for partners to submit proposals to Horizon Europe programme.
- Luis Rato - University of Evora : Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. To meet partners for future applied projects where AI and ML can be applied.
- Marc Legeay, UA: I do research in computer science, in the fields of constraint programming and logic programming. I want to go to the staff week to meet other researchers and discover the other universities of EU green.
- Vincent Barichard, UA: I work in the field of artificial intelligence, logic programming and problem solving. I'm here to continue the work started with the Chain2Sustain seed funding, with the aim of applying for a European project. I also want to meet other researchers with a view to creating new collaborations.
- Giuseppe Virga, HIg: Innovative, Community-Integrated PV and PVT systems. Willing to work on new proposals with other EU Green members.
- Joao Gomes, HiG, Energy Transition. Solar Energy. System design and simulation.
- Malgorzata Biniak-Pierog, UPWR : research scientist and academic teacher at the Department of Environmental Development and Protection, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences (UPWr), Poland; my research area is related to agro- and hydrometeorology, actually with particular attention to the conditions of soil water management and hydrological performance of rain gardens. From a Staff week I expect to establish direct scientific contacts with Cluster 3 members and others for interdisciplinary inter-university collaboration and to enhance collaboration in the implementation of the joint Seed Founding project; as well as to find partners to prepare new international project applications for future EU Programme calls.
- Reza Kadivar, ATU: My research topic is heat transfer, CFD, and renewable energy conversion and storage. I expect opportunities for forming theme-based sub-clusters to facilitate close collaboration.
- Aleksandra Bawiec, UPWR: My research topic is mostly Nature Based Solutions for water and wastewater purification. During Staff week I hope to meet scientists from other EUGreen Universities to discuss our fields of interests and possibilities of cooperation in an application for a projects financed from EU funds or other scientific activities.
- Eric Monfroy, UA: my research topic: constraint programming and optimization. Expectation: re-inforce my collaborations, progress on seed project, progress on HE project proposal, maybe new collaborations.
- Enrique Romero, UEx: Power Electronics, Renewable Energies, Smart grids
- Agostino Gambarotta, UNIPR: Smart Energy for the Sustainable Transition. Environmental Impacts from Energy use. Develop and strengthen contacts for teaching and research
Cluster 4 - Sustainable tourism for cultural and natural heritage
- John Carty - ATU : Enhancing sustainable tourism opportunities across partner
- Elide Di Clemente, UEx: Tourism marketing and Management. I expect to put the bases for colaboration in EU projects
- James Hanrahan, ATU: is currently a lecturer in Tourism Management in the School of Business and Social Science at Atlantic Technological University Sligo. He has worked as a tour guide, tour operator, tourism manager, tourism entrepreneur, tourism consultant and lecturer in Ireland, New Zealand, Hawaii, Bulgaria, California, and Britain.
- Conor McTiernan, ATU: Currently researching inputs and mediations to support a decarbonised, sustainable tourism sector. This includes research exploring the role of trust in pro-environmental knowledge transfer within tourism networks and between tourism organisations. I am interested in assessing the impact of organisational culture and innovation system structure on knowledge transfer between collaborators, exploring how trust between partners is initiated and developed, and the impacts of such trust on pro-environmental behaviours.
Cluster 5 - Education sciences for sustainable development
Leading team from Evora :
- Maria Ilheu: My research topic is under the reconciliation ecology, bringing together people and nature, within the frame of the Transformative Education. My expectations about the staff week are related to the opportunity to work with colleagues on the ongoing projects, namelly a BIP and a join paper about the Education for Sustainability.
- Guida Veiga: Outdoor mind-body practices for health and development. I expect to have in-person meetings with colleagues from other EuGreen Universities so we can better work on ongoing projects (BIP and Seed). Also, to know more about international calls/projects.
- Adela Lază : I am an assistant professor at the Faculty of Socio-Human Sciences, University of Oradea, Romania. I have been involved in various research and scientific writing activities, especially among children and adolescents. My areas of interest include prosocial behaviour, generosity, philanthropy, student welfare, welfare of children with disabilities, adolescent deviance and child development in general, topics addressed in various scientific publications.
- Karina Becker, professor for Didactics in German language and literature at OVGU Magdeburg. My research interests are in the field of diversity and inclusion in schools and in the training of teachers with regard to their beliefs on these topics. Since I am involved in the Seed-Project “BASE” and in the group “Ecofiction”, I do exspect that we could spent time together to bring the projects forward and to get to know us personally. Additionally, I am curious to hear about other projects and possibilities to work together.
- Marius Drugaș - Assoc. Prof., PhD, Head of the Department of Psychology, University of Oradea. My current research interests focus on the psychological factors involved in radicalization, the psychology of video games, and sustainable practices for nontraditional students in higher education institutions. During the staff week I expect to work with my colleagues on the seed project, expand the network of specialists interested in research topics in my field and ensure research connections for my colleagues from the University of Oradea.
- Carmel Heaney - ATU: Exploring understanding and practice related to ‘sustainability’ and EfS in teaching staff within the EUGreen consortia (SEED project). Looking forward to engaging in person with cluster colleagues and hearing more about other EUGreen initiatives & potential to develop further projects.
- Britt Johanne Farstad, HiG: Britt Johanne Farstad holds a PhD in comparative literature and is a senior lecturer in comparative literature at the University of Gävle. My research interests include speculative fiction, transhumanism, AI, intersections between speculative fiction and science and ethics - and didactics. Furthermore, my heart lies in working with poetry and drama together with students. I'm a coordinator in WP3, cluster 5.
- John Scahill, ATU: My EU Green research topic is Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) focussing on academic staff perceptions, practices and capacity along with a specific focus on the incorporation of the SDGs into programme and module content. The funded SEED BASE project seeks to create a baseline data set that will help to monitor the progress of EU Green towards embedding Sustainability, ESD and the SDGs into pedagogical practices.
- Anne Wiseman, ATU, member of the BASE project.
- Manuel Montanero Fernandez, UEx: Text, discourse and classroom interaction. Didactic methods. Inclusive education
Cluster 6 - Challenges in ecosystem biodiversity and function - a macroregional evaluation
Leader : Victor Rolo, UEx:
My research focus on adaptation of agroecosystems, response of soil-plant components to global change and ecosystem functioning. I expect to reinforce cluster 6 network, set the basis for a research proposal and advance on the elaboration of join educational opportunities
- Alain Pagano, UA: I am working on invasive species and I want to developp research collaborations
- Olivier Pays Volard, UA: I am working on the ecology and management of invasive species. I am also interested in the effects of land use change on the dynamics of the biodiversity. The aim of my visit is to find opportunities to collaborate with other colleagues of the EUGREEN Alliance.
Joint research Committee
- Lars Bengtsson: Pro rector, head of research at HiG and member of the JRC. My research focuses on managing innovation processes in industrial firms, and on design of global supply chains, specifically outsourcing and offshoring.
- Daniele Del Rio: I am the Vice-Rector for Research and Technology Transfer of the University of Parma. I am a full professor of Human Nutrition and my research has always focused on the study of the beneficial effects of plant phytochemicals on human health, with a particular attention to their metabolic fate within the human body.
- Aneta Wojdylo, UPWR
- Renata Jarosz, UPWR
- Katarzyna Krauzy Dziedzic, UPWR: I'm a member of the JRC. I would like to meet and discuss with JRC members as well as check what progress in cooperation has been made in the various clusters.
- Tiberiu Vesselenyi, UO
- David Canevet, UA: I am Full Professor of Organic and Supramolecular Chemistry in the University of Angers and the vice-rector's delegate for Research.
- Maria de Guia Cordoba Ramos, UEx
- Rui Salgado, UE
- Anaëlle Gérard - University of Angers : European project advisor (research) in human and social sciences, and health. Follows clusters 1, 4 & 5
- Magali Morisset - University of Angers : European project advisor (research) in materials, maths and technologies of information and communication. Follows cluster 3
- Rocio Perez : I am a project advisor in the pre-award unit of the European Project Office, I go to the research week to give support to the researchers of the University of Extremadura In addition, I am responsible together with my director for the EUGREEN WP4 at the University of Extremadura.
- Juanita Blue, ATU: European Project Manager at Atlantic Technological University managing active Interreg and Erasmus+ projects with various partners across Europe, Middle East and the Northern Periphery & Arctic regions (NPA) as both lead and implementing partner. I am loosely affiliated with Cluster 3. I expect collaboration opportunities to continue to expand.
- Cristina Gallardo, UEx: I take part of the EU task Force and i would like to improve connections for EU projects
- Anabela Ramos Elias, UE: I am from the Science and Cooperation Services - support for researchers and project applications
- Martina Hagen , OVGU, head of the European project office
PhD council
- Juan Florencio Tejeda, UEX
- Nathalie Leduc, UA
- Magdalena Szymura, UPWR: My research is focused on biological invasions and habitat restoration of sites invaded by alien plant species. I'm also a leader of Leading Research Group Biodiversity and sustainable development in Agriculture and Horticulture. My plan for Research Week is to discuss the possibilities of cooperation in these areas with researchers from the EU GREEN network. I am also a member of PhD Council, and I would like to participate in discussion on Doctoral Network development.
- Francisco Mesias, UEx
- Christiane Hedtmann, OVGU