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Ongoing activities 2023 Laureates
MHUS- Mental Health of University Students: associated factors between countries
To have sustainable academic environments, it is necessary to promote the well-being of staff and students. Mental health has been getting worse over time in university students, with the pandemic exacerbating it. The aim is to leverage a mental health project, by comparing the mental health of university students between European countries and the factors that influence it. Data from this study will be used to apply for funding from Horizon Europe for the development of strategies to promote the mental health of university students, contributing to sustainable development.
TAILEXER - Prescription of tailored physical exercise from the integration of omic, clinical and lifestyle data to prevent cardiovascular diseases
Research has shown that physical exercise is an effective therapeutic tool to deal with cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). However, the success of these preventive programs depends on the ability to identify the population at risk and to apply tailored physical exercise interventions. The purpose of this project will be to integrate omic, clinical and lifestyle data to define the cardiovascular risk level of an adult population to propose tailored physical exercise programs that focuses on those physical condition factors most necessary for each person according with their health status. A randomized representative sample of the population (men and women) with ages between 18 and 65 years old will be selected. At a methodological level, participants will be classified into several risk levels of suffering from CVDs and an initial evaluation of inflammatory, protein, lipid, clinical and lifestyle markers will be made. Based on this stratification, a tailored physical exercise intervention will be performed. Lastly, a final evaluation will be made to analyze the effectiveness of the intervention in each of the defined categories. We will try to carry out a proof of concept to evaluate the feasibility of our plan and methodology to refine the proposal to improve it to subsequently participate in future European calls (HORIZON, ERAPerMed, or MSCA schemes).
AGRIOPEP - Bioactive peptides recovery from agrifood industry waste
The project proposes solutions for reusing and valorizing the high percentages of waste from agri-food industries. This involves studying alternative and natural sources of low-cost proteins that would reduce the dependence and environmental footprint that animal proteins tend to leave behind. It aligns with the Horizon Europe strategy "from farm to fork" and with the priorities of the European "Green Deal". Proteins would be used in future projects to develop technologies for use bioactive peptides as innovative food ingredients and supplements in the food industry.
CDF+ - Circular Dairy Farming Plus
The CDF+ seed funding project aims at creation of EUGREEN joint research and informative network focused on the application to international research calls related to the sustainable food production chain and waste management. Considering the need for an interdisciplinary approach to improve the dairy production system sustainability, an MSCA staff exchange proposal including cutting-edge research, covering the entire dairy production cycle phases (production, processing, recycling) will be finalized and submitted. Other proposals will be developed under the same concept.
CHAIN2Sustain - Collaborative Human AI Decision-Making for Sustainability
Decision making under the perspective of sustainability is a complicated endeavour. It requires taking into consideration several complex and uncertain factors, competing interests over varying
timescales regarding cost, environmental aspects, quality of life and fairness.We aim at benchmarking different approaches to hybrid Human and Artificial Intelligence (AI) collaboration, for the purpose of assisted decision making, with a sustainability bias.
This project aims to enhance the digital communication of European Tourist Destinations (ETD) to transform them into Smart Tourist Destinations (STD) and promote sustainability. It focuses on studying ETDs webpages in the Strategic Online Communication Approach context for public engagement. The result is a scale MOTE-A (Model of Tourism Webpages for Engagement Adoption), applied to a sample of ETDs webpages to show their level of engagement. Then, model MOTE-P (Prediction) will then be tested with PLS to explain if greater engagement leads to better tourism economic results.
NOTES - Net-zerO challenge for Tourism EducatorS
This project is a collaboration among EU GREEN Universities to support tourism, cultural and natural heritage industries transition to Net Zero. To address the significant gap in sustainable literacy and decarbonisation knowledge (Conefrey, et al. 2023) this project will assess and identify the skills and training required by the tourism industry. This project will aid curricula design to provide skilled graduates to facilitate transition towards Net Zero, enable the sector to become more sustainable, align with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive and benefit communities and destinations.
BASE -Baseline Assessment of Sustainability related Educational practices and perceptions of the academic and research staff across EU Green
Taking an intra-disciplinary approach, this project will design, execute, and evaluate a survey to explore the sustainability-related education practices and perceptions (SREPP) of academic and research staff across the partner Universities. It will establish critical insights into the existing SREPP and the associated challenges, and support the development of a framework to monitor the progress of EU Green towards embedding Sustainability, Education for Sustainable Development and the SDGs (collectively referred to in this document as SHE) in pedagogical practice.
EUFoodHabits - European consumers' preferences and attitudes towards plant-based products designed to replace animal-based products
Across the world, there's a growing trend to eat less animal-based foods (ABF) for health and environmental purposes and eat plant-based alternatives (PBF). There is also the emergence of highly processed PBF, which aim to imitate the sensorial and nutritional qualities of ABF, but their impact on health is still under debate. This project aims to explore how European consumers, with different cultural backgrounds, perceive these plant-based options, so that we can provide as main outcome, scientific-based dietary recommendations based on enhanced and sustainable dietary patterns.
PROVES- Promoting evidence-based solutions for biodiversity and ecosystem services delivery
Pollution, overexploitation, urbanization, demography, land use change and inequality, is leading to unprecedent biodiversity loss and humanity to face pervasive socio-economic crisis,aggravated by climate change. Decisive action and solutions are needed to overcome these challenges. We envision to build a long-term research collaboration platform to provide evidence based solutions that can foster biodiversity, restore degraded environments, promote ecosystem resilience and adaptation, and human well-being, with a focus on EUGreen regions.
2024 laureates
- PRO-BRAIN- PROtein misfolding in neurodegenerative diseases: integrating BioinfoRmAtIcs and biochemistry for Natural compound therapies
Protein misfolding and aggregation events are the hallmark of several neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Due to proteostasis capacity decline, aging contributes to the onset and progression of these debilitating conditions. Since Europe has a rapidly ageing population, the incidence of neuropathologies and their costs are expected to increase markedly. Hence, the discovery of disease-modifying therapies represents a compelling challenge for researchers.
The aim of PRO-Brain project is to explore the role of plant-derived natural compounds as sources of therapeutic agents for innovative drugs able to prevent or mitigate the progression of neurodegenerative diseases . Specifically, by combining -omics data analyses and experimental approaches, we intend to identify molecular players of proteostasis network able to counteract protein misfolding and aggregation, and whose expression can be modulated by natural compounds. Of note, this multidisciplinary project aligns with the goal of promoting health and well-being and is consistent with the concept of sustainability applicable to drug discovery.
- SHAPED - Sustainable Health and Academic occuPational Exposures during Digital transformations of work
Good health and well-being of teaching and research staff is necessary for sustainable academic environments, but little is known about the effect of the ongoing rapid digitalization in higher education and the corresponding changes in the way work is performed and subsequent effects on health and wellbeing. The changes present potential risks for overconnectedness, long working hours, isolation and altered physical activity behaviours and dietary patterns.
Previous studies have identified mental health concerns among academics, while less consideration has been made on the impact of the sedentariness of a typical academic’s work on their overall health.
The aim of this study is to leverage the EU Green network and living lab environment to describe and compare digitalization and determinants of mental and physical health across academics at the nine universities. Data from this study will contribute to sustainable development strategies both at our EU Green campuses and more generally in the EU, and will form the basis for future funding applications for longitudinal consideration of key determinants and health.
- Conference on Oxidative stress
The contribution of food to health or disease needs to be better understood. When talking about nutritional therapy we have to consider the concept of oxidative stress.
Oxidative stress plays a crucial role in the development of numerous human diseases. Reactive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen species are produced continuously in the body during cellular metabolism, mitochondrial bioenergetics, and immune function.
Chronic inflammation can lead to the development of several chronic conditions, including degenerative diseases and metabolic syndromes. The immuno-inflammatory response is a defense mechanism to prevent the onset of infections caused by a number of triggers such as microorganism, physico-chemical and environmental factors. Understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying the relationship between oxidative stress and inflammation can lead to the discovery of novel strategies to prevent and/or treat various diseases.
It is therefore important to know the factors which can maintain antioxidant defense mechanisms and can prevent the increased generation of reactive oxygen species and may be an effective treatment for oxidative stress/inflammation-related diseases. A variety of dietary regimens and substances introduced with the diet that may have antioxidant and anti-proliferative effects.
We also want to consider the new concept of preventive nutrition so that the use of nutraceuticals brings benefits to the health of the population. Understanding the molecular mechanisms of nutrient effects on biomarkers can help prevent metabolic disorders by addressing the scientific basis of healthy and personalized nutrition. Thus, we want to develop individual programs for preventive purposes, adapted to the specific metabolism of a patient. Organizing a healthy diet will contribute to improving the quality of life, which is one of the most pressing problems of society, and to maintaining the longevity of the population.
- Evaluation of the impacts of a relaxation-mediated intervention during University classes - a pilot study - aBREAK4you
University students exhibit signs of stress, anxiety, and depression, which impacts their mental health and well-being. Incorporating relaxation breaks during classes has shown significant benefits for physical and mental well-being, helping to reduce the symptoms mentioned before. These breaks lead to a decrease in fatigue, help reduce muscular tension and enhance cognitive abilities. The implementation of relaxation-mediated intervention programs in university students holds a tremendous potential to improve health and wellbeing amongst this highly susceptible group. The project aBREAK4you will be implemented in 3 different universities, providing for robust data on the effectiveness of such programs. Overall, this project aims: i) To assess the impact of psychoeducational interventions focused on relaxation techniques on students' self-perceived general health indicators and well-being; ii) To evaluate how these sessions influence the experience of both physical and mental relaxation; iii) To establish a sustainable, long-term intervention program that ensures continuity and ongoing positive effects on students' health and well-being.
- COOBASED: A cooperative-centred approach to develop alternative and sustainable food supply chains
The Coobased seed project aims to investigate and understand new solutions and initiatives that can help foster a more sustainable “Food System” in Europe based on the promotion of organic food through cooperative-based proximity networks. To this end, a multidisciplinary approach is proposed, which will first analyze the obstacles that hinder the development of alternative production and distribution chains for organic food and the drivers that can promote these novel and direct food supply models based on farmers' cooperatives or consumer organizations. Subsequently, possible solutions will be studied, on the one hand from the technological point of view in order to improve the processing and packaging of small-scale food so that it can reach the consumers safely and meet their expectations. On the other hand, we intend to explore the possible business models that can be implemented considering both the nature of the desired relationships between producers and consumers and the cooperative approach. Finally, we will work on the development of a research project proposal on this topic to be presented in future Horizon Europe calls.
- SUSTREM : Nature-oriented remediation of historical mining sites for environmental sustainability
The project concerns remediation of areas affected by historical metal(loid) ore mining with considering phytoremediation, water protection and possible land use for agricultural purposes. Former mining areas occur throughout Europe and pose an environmental hazard and risk to humans through likely input of toxic elements into food chains and their release into water. We will examine the use of several additives (biochar, various mineral and organic waste materials) to improve the quality and health of soils on mine dumps, tailings and in their surroundings, and to limit the release of toxic elements to water. Special attention will be paid to limiting the release of acid mine and rock drainage. The project will be implemented on the example of selected mining areas in Poland and Portugal. Plants suitable for revegetation and phytoremediation of these sites will be tested. Factors that determine soil health and plant growth, and limit the uptake of toxic components from soils, will be examined. Focus will be given to the specificity of soil microbiome and the aspects of biodiversity of fauna and flora in these sites under the conditions of phytoremediation.
- BioFungiFood – Innovative procedures against emerging fungal species under challenging climate change conditions for healthy and safe vegetables
This seed project will lay the groundwork for a collaborative international research team to apply for funding for a project based on an integrated and safe system focusing on alternative and natural fungicides, with innovative procedures for evaluating, detecting, and controlling emerging fungal species that affect vegetables, promoting healthier food production for human and animal consumption, and contributing to environmental sustainability. It aligns with the Horizon Europe policy "from farm to fork" and the European Green Deal.
- DT-MMS-I - Digital Twins in Management, Maintenance and Sustainability of infrastructures
Critical infrastructures are the backbone of societies providing essential services for their functioning. These infrastructures are exposed to numerous risks. The Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of these infrastructures generates a massive amount of data. The evaluation of this data has allowed for the monitoring of the performance and safety of such structures. The impressive development of artificial intelligence algorithms, along with the current maturity of analytical models, enable the exploration of new digital control paradigms for these infrastructures, improving their resilience and sustainability. The digital twin is an example of cutting-edge technology for enhancing the information extracted from SHM monitoring of an infrastructure. In this project, we want to identify different infrastructures in EU Green regions in which a digital twin can be developed, the different methodologies that can be used to implement this technique, the barriers and challenges we face when implementing this technology in an infrastructure, the cost of implementation, the added value that digital wins can bring to the infrastructure maintenance and how can improve the infrastructure sustainability.
- EU Green Thermal Engineering Conference (EUGTEC) (Conference)
The EU Green Thermal Engineering Conference (EUGTEC) brings together universities to foster collaboration, research, and innovation in thermal energy, supporting decarbonization and EU's climate and energy goals. The organizing universities (Gävle, Oradea, ATU, Parma, and Extremadura) will share expertise across diverse thermal energy fields—such as thermodynamics, heat transfer, distribution, renewable energy, energy storage, ICT applications—through keynotes, presentations, and workshops featuring academics, industry representatives, and authorities. By creating a platform for academia-industry engagement, EUGTEC advances the SDG goals of clean energy, climate action, and sustainable development. This joint effort fosters knowledge exchange between academia, industry, and policymakers, driving innovation and practical applications in thermal engineering. The conference, held in Oradea and streamed online, reduces travel impacts and enhances the participation of young researchers (e.g. MSc and PhD students). On an international scale, the conference can act as a global hub for exchanging ideas, knowledge, and best practices.
- Zerorr- Zero-emission regional energy supply with integrated recycling
Within cluster 3 a sub-cluster on renewable and sustainable energy use has been formed. Activities cover electricity generation from renewable sources, efficient energy storage to smoothen fluctuations in generation and consumption, efficient heat supply systems and use of geothermal energy. Sustainable recycling of the hardware, e.g. photovoltaic panels, is also addressed. The seed-funding project is intended to prepare a wider collaborative research approach on application of the mentioned technologies to create “zero-emission” regional energy networks with the potential of even creating a CO2 sink. Six partners from the EU Green consortium will be involved. The intended proposal creates links to six different sustainable development goals and will be organised such that the carbon footprint will be low.
- TRACE (Tracking Circularity in Tourism Destinations)
TRACE (Tracking Circularity in Tourism Destinations) aims to transform tourism into a circular, sustainable sector across key European regions. Utilizing advanced AI and Circular Economy Sustainable Tourism Indicators (CESTIs), TRACE collects and analyzes critical data, enabling tourism destinations to significantly reduce their carbon footprint, enhance resource efficiency, and minimize waste. By implementing digital twins for real-time monitoring, TRACE empowers destinations to make evidence-based decisions in the formation of policy instruments . Through active stakeholder engagement, TRACE promotes innovative practices that align with the EU Green Deal's sustainability goals, setting new standards in eco-friendly tourism across the demo sites in Spain, Italy, Greece, and Lithuania.
- Collaborative Research in Education for Sustainable Development (CRESD)*
The project Collaborative Research in Education for Sustainable Development (CRESD) is a research endeavour that aims at developing and applying an assessment tool (questionnaire) regarding the knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of EU Green students regarding sustainable development . This project is partly constructed on the BASE: Baseline Assessment of Sustainability related Educational practices and perceptions of the academic and research staff across EU Green. While BASE focused on teachers, this new project analyses students’ engagement with sustainable development. CRESD project also builds on pilot research conducted by the University of Oradea team, that, based on extensive literature review, developed and tested an assessment tool regarding students' knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours related to sustainability (SKABS tool). Based on these, through dialogue and joint work, we aim to further refine and apply this tool across all partner universities. The final research report will provide relevant insights enabling partner universities to develop strategies to enhance and implement their education for sustainable development approaches and practices.
- GROUFES: GROwing Up the Future: Education for Sustainability - conference
Climate change, digitalization, biodiversity loss, environmental degradation, migration and flight, ageing society, future anxiety, and depopulation of rural regions are global sustainability challenges, which affect our education systems, too. We need to explore pathways to address those current and emerging sustainability challenges through education by empowering learners with new skills, values and attitudes that lead to more sustainable societies. By doing this, we need to transform our educational practice, too, and need to learn how to work more interdisciplinary. The international and interdisciplinary conference “Growing up the future: Education for Sustainability” wants look into various facets of sustainability education from an interdisciplinary perspective taking into consideration global issues and challenges as well as regional and national realities. The conference besides providing a platform for sharing experiences and teaching practices to bring much needed transformation in education for a sustainable future.