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- >Calls for researchers
- >2023 Calls description
Calls description
Seed funding
EU GREEN has established a yearly procedure to stimulate research collaboration among our 9 universities. Researchers from EU GREEN partner universities can submit projects aligned with the 6 EU GREEN clusters for seed funding to develop collaborative research and innovation projects. This procedure, implemented by the Work Package Research (WP3), is intended to leverage inter-university collaboration.
- Click here for the bill of specifications
- Click here to download the financial form
- Click here to access the application form (open from Sept, 15th to November 15th at noon (CEST time)
Researcher mobility program
EU GREEN sets up a yearly researcher mobility program to stimulate research collaboration among our 9 universities. This procedure, implemented by the Work Package Research (WP3), is believed to leverage inter-university collaboration.
It is expected from the research visits to either launch or reinforce research cooperation between EU GREEN institutions on an individual (researchers), intermediate (teams/medium scale projects) or institutional level (research centres/large scale projects).
Local referents of the EU GREEN Research Mobility program, in charge of the application / selection procedure and practical questions about the program, are:
- University of Parma (UNIPR) : Alessandro Bernazzoli, alessandro.bernazzoli@unipr.it
- University of Oradea (UO): FILIP Sanda Monica, sfilip@uoradea.ro, prorector.mcc@uoradea.ro
- Otto von Guericke University in (OVGU), Uwe Genetzke, uwe.genetzke@ovgu.de
- University of Gävle (HiG): Malin Hillman, HiG, malin.hillman@hig.se
- University of Evora (UE), Claudia Marques, UE, mcbm@uevora.pt
- University of Extremadura (UEx): Cristina Gallardo: cristina.gallardo@fundecyt-pctex.es
- Atlantic Technological University, Frances Lucy, frances.lucy@atu.ie
- Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences (UPWR): Paulina Zaweracz, UPWr: paulina.zaweracz@upwr.edu.pl
- University of Angers: Alix Blouët : eugreenWP3@univ-angers.fr
- Click here for the bill of specifications
- The application is open from Sept, 15th to November 15th
- Click here to download the application form only
Click here to access the recording of the first information session (22/09/23)
Click here to access the recording of the second information session (19/10/2023)
Click here to access the presentation
French specific Doctoral allowances with the participation of EU GREEN Partner(s)
As a laureate of a call from the European Commission, the alliance EU GREEN has four years (from 2023 to 2026) to experiment with several forms of reinforced cooperation. The tasks have been divided in several work packages: education, research, innovation, campus life, engagement with society, communication, etc. The University of Angers leads the work package dedicated to research, and therefore leads several tasks that aim at developing collaboration between our universities in the field of research. The Work Package Research is composed of different thematical clusters, meaning groups of researchers working on developing research collaboration through specific research projects.
In addition to the European Commission call, the university of Angers raised complementary funds through the ANR (French National Agency of Research Support) within the France 2030 program.
In 2024, the equivalent of four doctoral contracts full time (8 half-thesis) will be financed by the University of Angers (UA). The projects shall be codirection theses between the UA and at least one partner from EU GREEN (in case of co-tutelle, UA will only finance the part of the PhD spent in UA). The theses’ topics must belong to the scope of at least one of the 6 EU GREEN clusters.
- Click here for the bill of specifications in french or in english
- Click here to access the application form (open from Sept, 14th to November 27th, 2 pm CEST time)
- Click here to download the template for the research director’s detailed opinion
- Click here to access the 2023 Modalités de cotutelle (in French only)