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EU GREEN - WP3 Research
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You can find below the webinars organized by European advisors from the EU GREEN alliance, and afterwards the research webinars organised by academics from the whole alliance. 

  • How to write a successful MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship project - 22.05.2025 -- 10 am - noon CET

    We will dive deep into a proposal writing process and offer both fellows and supervisors a session dedicated to practical hints and tips on how to write a competitive proposal. A fellow from the University of Angers and a supervisor from UPWr, Prof. Anna Michalska-Ciechanowska will present their strategies for dealing with specific parts of the proposal. Members of the European taskforce Jowita Chojcan (UPWR) and Anaelle Gerard (UA) will also offer their comments on how to best structure your work plan and demonstrate that you and your Host Institution are a great match.   Registration is mandatory : click here.

  • Presentation of the MSCA Postdoctoral fellowship call and opportunities for application within EU GREEN - 23.04.2025 -- 10 am - 11:30 CET

    The call is for research projects between an experienced researcher, who takes the role of a supervisor, and a postdoctoral fellow. The idea is for the fellow to carry out the project abroad, so the application must be submitted with a Host institution from another country. Both researchers, who wish to take the role of a Supervisor, and fellows interested in working abroad for 24 months are welcome to join. We're excited to present to you the testimony of a successful fellow and her groundbreaking project. .Registration is mandatory : click here.

  • Horizon Europe MSCA Staff Exchanges - 02/04/2025

    An information session on the Horizon Europe MSCA Staff Exchanges, will be hosted by the OVGU Research Funding Advice. The MSCA Staff Exchanges support international, interdisciplinary, and intersectoral mobility of research staff to enhance knowledge and skills through collaborative projects. This session will provide an overview of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Staff Exchanges, outlining funding opportunities, application procedures, and best practices for successful proposals.

    Event Details:

    • Date: 02 April, 2025
    • Time: 9.30 – 10.30 AM (CET)
    • Location: Online (Link will be shared after registration shortly before the event). To confirm your participation, please register via Eveeno.

    The event will be conducted online and in English.


    What to Expect:

    ✅ Key insights into the MSCA Staff Exchanges program
    ✅ Guidance on eligibility, application process & funding rules
    ✅ Q&A session


    This event is ideal for researchers, administrative staff, and project managers interested in international and intersectoral research collaborations.

    We look forward to your participation and an engaging discussion on how to make the most of MSCA Staff Exchanges!

  • How to write a successful MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship project - 21/05/2024

    May 21st, noon to 2pm CET : We will dive deep into a proposal writing process and offer both fellows and supervisors a session dedicated to practical hints and tips on how to write a competitive proposal. There will be a helping hand from a fellow who was successful in the past calls. Click here to register and join the webinar.

    Click here to access the slides 

    Click here to access the recording (until June 21st 2024, afterwards, write to eugreenwp3 @

  • Presentation of MSCA Postdoctoral fellowship call and opportunities for application within EU GREEN - 17/04/2024

    The call is for research projects between an experienced researcher, who takes the role of a supervisor, and a postdoctoral fellow. The idea is for the fellow to carry out the project abroad, so the application must be submitted with a Host institution from another country. Both researchers, who wish to take the role of a Supervisor, and fellows interested in working abroad for 24 months, can attend.

    Watch the recording

    Acces the slides 

  • Information session on MSCA Doctoral Networks - 16/04/2024

    • April 16th 10-11a.m CET: The MSCA Doctoral Networks are part of the Horizon Europe Funding Program and offer the opportunity to establish European networks for the innovative training of doctoral students.In addition to their own research project, doctoral students receive special trainings that will be useful for their future careers. The programme offers funding for up to 15 doctoral candidates for 3 years in each project. In addition to information on the programme and the application process, a successful applicant will also report on his experiences. 

    Click here to access the slides

    Click here to watch the testimony from a successful applicant. 

  • ERC grants and writing tips - 14/11/2023

    Are you a researcher in one of the 9 EU GREEN universities? 

    Are you looking to get more information regarding an application to the ERC grant? 

    Join us on the second webinar of the European taskforce dedicated to ERC grants. Applications to ERC grants can be made in any field of research, and are carried by individual researchers. 

    Hosts: Martina Hagen & Lisa Westphal (OVGU)

    Here is the agenda :

    10 min. / welcome and introduction 
    10 min. / first ERC grant winner / experiences - Prof. Dr. med. habil. Markus Ullsperger (ERC Advanced Grant (2021))
    20 min.  / presentation
    10 min. / secound ERC grant winner / experiences
    Rest of the time = free exchange 

    Here are the information to connect :

    Time: 14.Nov. 2023 02:00 PM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rom, Stockholm, Wien to 4 pm

    Zoom Meeting: 

    Meeting-ID: 678 6612 5724 Code : 050418

  • Horizon Europe Pillar 2 - Cluster 6 - Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture & Environment - 31/10/2023

    Are you a researcher in one of the 9 EU GREEN universities? 

    Do you work in the  following fields: Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture & Environment? 

    You might be interested in participating in the information session on Horizon Europe Pillar 2 - Cluster 6 - Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture & Environment. It will be held on 31st October, 2pm - 4pm (CET TIME).  Click here to connect

    Raffaele Turri (UNIPR) will detail this call and present tips for submitting a successful proposal. If you have issues connecting, please contact him at raffaele.turri @ 

    Here is the agenda of the session:

    Horizon Europe Cluster 6 and EU GREEN (2 pm)
    Destination 1: Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (2pm10)
    Destination 2: Fair, healthy and environmentally friendly food systems from primary production to consumption (2pm20)
    Destination 3: Circular economy and bioeconomy sectors (2pm30)
    Destination 4: Clean environment and zero pollution (2pm40)
    Destination 5: Land, oceans and water for climate action (2pm50)
    Destination 6: Resilient, inclusive, healthy and green rural, coastal and urban communities (3pm)
    Destination 7: Innovative governance, environmental observations and digital solutions in support of the Green Deal (3pm10)
    Social Sciences and Humanities in CL6 (3:20pm)
    Tips for su (bmitting a successful proposal (3pm30)
    Q&A (3pm45)
    Closure of the webinar (4pm)

    If you've missed this webinar, you can access the recording here and the presentation here.
