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EU GREEN - WP3 Research

Separated by coma

European researchers' night


Each University creates a dedicated EU-GREEN space that not only provides information and gadgets, but also offers interactive activities and captures the attention of both young and adult visitors. Visitors can touch with their hands what the Alliance can offer and talk directly with researchers from other European states.

To achieve this, we thought it would be nice to have educational workshops/laboratory conducted by researchers from the Alliance. Visitors would arrive and meet researchers from 9 state: UNIPR researchers conducting activity A, ATU researchers conducting activity B, Oradea researchers conducting activity C, and so on.
in this way, visitors will experience a European space, an area where they can breathe the “international” air of possibilities, opportunities and a future together in Europe.

Example: researchers will come to Parma from ATU, Oradea, Angers… with the materials necessary for the workshops, perhaps offering themes/topics in which they specialize.
Parma will host the Alliance researchers by preparing a suitable space for their workshop/laboratory inside the EU-GREEN CORNER and helps with materials (chemical). 

Our tasks and deadlines

During June: we should discuss and finalize the proposal for the 2024 edition

By the end of June: we should have all the proposals and draft a schedule of activities

By the end of July: we should have the list of researchers willing to participate and travel between our Universities

By the end of July: we should also have the specific needs of each researcher for setting up the stand

If there are materials to be sent to other locations, this should be done by early September

Communication strategy made by the Alliance with WP Communication

Do you want to join this initiative? Contact us at eugreenwp3 @ before July 1st

