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EU GREEN - WP3 Research

Separated by coma

Mobilities France/Germany

The deadline for submitting co-applications for the Procope program is extended until July 15, 2024.

Apply to Procope for a project start from January 2025! Procope is a Hubert Curien Partnership (PHC) on the French side and a Programm des Projektbezogenen Personenaustauschs (PPP) on the German side.

The projects last two years, during which short-term exchanges between France and Germany are repeated. The participation of young researchers is mandatory. 

The call for applications is open to research laboratories attached to higher education establishments, research organizations or companies associated with an academic partner, as well as support structures such as competitiveness poles or clusters. .

All scientific disciplines are eligible.

Your application is made via the Campus France portal. Attention ! Your application is only valid if the German partner also applies. His application will be made to the DAAD (see “PPP” tab).

For more information, see the Procope program page. You can also ask your questions by email to and regarding the application procedure (only) to
