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Twenty selected postdoctoral researchers from all over the world will benefit from a 5-day workshop with experts in project writing and evaluation, support in project preparation. Applications are open until January 31st


The University of Parma has published the call for proposals "MSCA@UNIPR BOOTCAMP 2025"  aimed at selecting 25 postdoctoral researchers from all over the world who wish to submit innovative research projects for a Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowship.


Selected researchers will have the exclusive opportunity to participate in a training workshop organized at the University of Parma from May 26th to May 28th, 2025. Experts in project writing and evaluation will teach them how to write a MSCA-PF proposal and then provide support in the project preparation process.


Successful applicants will receive a reimbursement fee up to a maximum of 1.500 euros for researchers coming to Parma from European countries and up to 2.000 euros for researchers coming from non-European countries, in order to cover Bootcamp-related costs (i.e., travel/accommodation/subsistence).

Applications can be submitted until January 31st.

Postdoctoral researchers from anywhere in the world who meet the eligibility conditions of the MSCA-PF program are eligible to apply. During the opening period of the call, applicants must identify and contact a potential supervisor within the University of Parma through a dedicated database, committing to develop together a project proposal to be submitted in response of the call HORIZON-MSCA-2025-PF-01-01 by the deadline of September 10th, 2025. Applicants must also choose the University of Parma as the Host Organization when submitting the MSCA-PF proposal.

The call for applications, the database of available supervisors, the application form and the relative attachments along with all useful information can be found on this page:
