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- >Young Researchers Marathon 2025
Young Researchers Marathon 2025
Since this is a Multidisciplinary Congress, the research topics to be presented will be those corresponding to each researcher, in which they usually work and develop their lines of research, either alone or in the Research Group to which they belong. The 2025 Young Research Marathon will take place on April, 24th, in the city of Badajoz (Extremadura, Spain), organized by the University of Extremadura. If you have any questions about the conference, please feel free to contact us at this email address: dirresuex @ unex.es.
All researchers under 35 years of age who are working at any of the Universities of the EU GREEN Alliance (Atlantic Technological University (Ireland), Högskolan i Gävle (Sweden), Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg (Germany), Universidad de Extremadura (Spain), Universidade de Evora (Portugal), Università di Parma (Italy), Universitatea din Oradea (Romania), Université d'Angers (France), Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu (Poland), Doctoral or Master's degree students, Professors and Doctors who want to bring their research topic closer to the rest of society and the rest of the community.
Each participant may appear as the author of a single individual communication or a maximum of two as co-authors, and must, in any case, participate in the presentation of all those in which he or she appears as author or co-author so that his or her participation in the conference is certified.
- Deadline for submission of abstracts: February 14, 2025
- Notification of admission: February 28, 2025
- Celebration of the Marathon: April 24th
1. Participants must register by filling out the following online registration form for the Marathon. Double-click on the following link or copy and paste into the browser: https://forms.office.com/e/ehmrtHqDvf
2. Send an abstract of no more than 600 words, stating the title, author, affiliation, area of knowledge and keywords. In the email, indicate in the subject field YOUNG RESEARCH MARATHON and as file name put SURNAME, NAME. Sending address: dirresuex @ unex.es.
3. Once the Congress has been held, complete papers will be requested, according to a certain format and length, in order to compile them in a book with an ISBN and publish them in the University of Extremadura publishing house.
Acces the full call HERE